We look forward to supporting you with the best IT Training solution!

Christian Weitl


Consulting, MS Office
Application Development

089 45 06 63 14

Seminarorganisation ⁂ AS Computertraining München ⁂ Computertraining

Ilona Pickel

Christine Lindner

Sales & Marketing
Customer service

089 45 06 63 13

Elisabeth Martini

Trainer, MS Office
Application development

089 45 06 63 16

Ulrike Stamman - Trainerin AS Computertraining - Microsoft Office - Alle Versionen - online Live Trainer - Firmenschulungen - Einzelcoaching

Ulrike Stammann

Trainer, MS Office
Teams, SharePoint

089 45 06 63 16

Ulrike Schrepf

Trainer, MS Office
Application development

089 45 06 63 16

Joe Rankl: Experte für Social Media Marketing

Josef Rankl

Andrea Rapp

Business & Soft Skills
Dipl. Psych.

089 45 06 63 16