Seminar services
One of our key strengths is to diligently and efficiently plan, organise and execute high quality computer seminars and soft skills trainings. Our customers most value our highly customized approach. We work with our clients to tailor our learning engagements to uniquely fit their needs. Our exceptional service and attention to detail are some of the reasons for them to return to us again and again.
Regardless whether you are planning to deploy a new software or you'd like to offer continuous IT courses and skills trainings to your workforce. Take advantage of our expertise.
Our goal is not to close a sale and move on, but rather to build a long-lasting partnership with you to best offer computer courses to your organisation.
We offer to support you with the entire seminar service including i.e. in-house direct dial to AS Computertraining or implementation of an intranet training portal for you. With a jointly defined approval process and an agreed selection of classes your workforce gets easy and fast access to the training they need.
Seminar services in more detail
- Joint selection of computer classes, Soft Skills seminars, and agreed definition of training types and methodology.
- Requirements analysis: evaluation of students' needs & goals by taking different levels of precognition into account
- Guidance on mapping the adequate trainings
- Scheduling, room booking, enrolling process, training execution
- Quality control & feedback for you our client
- Transfer of all training data to your Human Resource department
- Student administration, training documents, certificates
Contact us. We look forward to supporting you with the best IT Training solution.